ENJOY YOUR LIFE ...............
If you are a homeowner and you are aged 55 plus and want to raise money for your future needs, then we at Duncan Phillips together with our exclusive partners Personal Retirement Planning can help. (Personal Retirement Planning are authorised and regulated by the financial conduct Authority FCA).
Equity Release has developed dramatically over recent years with interest rates lower than they have ever been.
As you move towards or are already in your retirement years, there may be a whole host of things you wish to do, some of which you may have been putting off for years.
However, having enough money to pay for bigger plans, on top of everyday essentials, can be tough.
To counter this, you can gain a great deal of comfort from spending your remaining years with the home you have built up over time and one that holds many memories.
Most importantly you may have benefited from sizable property growth over the years and in the last 30 years the average property price has had more than a fourfold increase.
The benefit of this sizable growth is that it opens the opportunity to raise money, i.e., Equity Release, against the value of your property.
No need to downsize your property.
No Affordability to meet like a standard mortgage and freedom to spend the funds however you want.
Tax Free money.
You could use the money for a wide range of things, such as:
Call us for more information on 01992 701133 or email info@duncanphillips.co.uk
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